Serving all your customers better via inclusive tourism

Accessible Tourism is huge, but tourism has been slow to adapt – why?

The Accessible Tourism sector in Australia is worth more than $10bn (Source: Travability) but the compelling economics of the sector don’t seem to be driving change.

At a time when destinations and tourism businesses are desperate for growth why is this?

To find out more, ART Regional Tourism Ambassador and Board Member Carolyn Childs of caught up with Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Guru Chris Veitch.

Serving the Accessible Tourism market is Just Good Customer Service

In the video below, Chris shares his views on how businesses can start their journey into accessible and inclusive tourism gently, without major investment.

To find out more – including some really practical tips and tricks – watch the video by clicking on the image below.

Ready to do more?

If you are now as excited as Chris and I are to unlock an opportunity that connects you to more than 1 in 6 customers globally, Chris is happy to answer direct questions. Contact him at

Note the views expressed in this video are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ART.