Creating equitable destinations

Tune in on October 23rd for the launch of an exciting report from The Travel Foundation and many supporting organizations, including Destination Think: “Creating equitable destinations: How to manage and distribute tourism’s value to better serve communities.”

What does an equitable tourism model look like? Join us to
hear from the team behind this new report that explores this question and provides 40+ ideas for action, based on real-world examples, that DMOs can consider.

This event hosted by Rodney Payne and David Archer from Destination Think will feature several presenters and panellists who will share insights into tourism equity.

Bernadett Papp, European Tourism Futures Institute
Ben Lynam, The Travel Foundation
Annie Ewing, Destination Toronto
Huw Owen, TravelLocal
Katarina Thorstensson, Göteborg & Co
Thijs de Groot, Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions
Calum Matthews, 4VI

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