COVID19 – Ready for Recovery Short Course

COVID-19 – Ready For Recovery Short Course

As the tourism industry prepares for recovery post COVID-19, Griffith Institute for Tourism has developed a FREE micro-credential short course called Tourism – Ready for Recovery.

Over four modules, they will discuss tourism and the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying new niches and market opportunities to boost recovery, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking to navigate the recovery and relationships and working with others to fast track the recovery.

Course Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on the global travel and tourism industry. This course provides you with key insights and information, videos, activities, scenarios and case studies to assist you navigate your way through this crisis, consider your recovery action plan and emerge more resilient and competitive as borders reopen and restrictions ease. This course will help prepare you to be ready for recovery.


Course objectives: Successful learners can describe key factors that could inform ways to restart their tourism activity and explore opportunities for accelerating their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Effort required and overview: Four modules to complete plus assessment.

Assessment: There will be a short answer and multiple-choice questions in each module to determine your engagement with the core content.

Tourism – Ready for Recover Digital Badge*: To earn this digital badge you need to complete a short quiz at the end of the course and achieve 50% or more. Quiz questions seek assess your engagement with the core content across the four modules of the course. You can complete the quiz multiple times to reach this goal.

Learning tools: Watch short presentations and videos, listen to videos/podcasts, and read media stories, case studies and industry reports. There is core information as well as optional extension information.

To sign up for the free course visit: