Grant funding available for regional festivals and events


Are you looking to solve pressing problems such as how to create new revenue streams, or having enough volunteers?

Did you know the states and territories provide funding for events?

States and territories recognise that events are great reasons for visitors to go to a destination (and spend money there) so they support them.

Their grants are often earmarked to be used for strategic planning (which will identify how to solve any challenges your event is facing) or for marketing to increase attendance at your event (but not all funding is limited to these uses).

Scroll on to find links to all the state’s event funding programs.

National Grants

Festivals Australia

Festivals Australia supports community participation in, and access to, the arts. Eligible activities are those which are part of a festival or community celebration in regional and remote Australia.

There are two funding rounds each year which generally open in February and September each year.FIND OUT MORE


State Grants

Below are the state and territory event funding programs. Don’t miss out on applying – the process is usually quite straightforward, and less time consuming than many other grant applications!


Tourism & Events Queensland’s Queensland Destination Events Program (QDEP) offers two funding options for regional events:

  • Destination event funding – single year funding for events seeking growth ($10,000 – $25,000 per year)
  • Significant event funding – single year or up to three years of funding for events that can demonstrate a strong track record of growth or growth potential ($25,000 – $100,000 per year)

The funds can be used for 

  • Marketing 
  • Strategic plan development
  • Engagement of short-term specialised personnel
  • Hire of temporary infrastructure

The next round closes 1 February 2023 for events held September 2023 to September 2024.FIND OUT MORE

New South Wales

Destination NSW’s Regional Event Fund has three streams:

  • Incubator Event Stream to help establishment of new events (up to $20,000)
  • Flagship Event Stream for marketing emerging events to increase their profile and encourage visitation (annual grants of $20,000 or triennial grants of $30,000 per year for three years)
  • Event Development Stream for the strategic development of proven flagship events as drivers of tourism for initiatives that have a direct impact on increasing overnight visitation (up to $50,000 for events that have previously received triennial funding through the Flagship Event stream)

No information is currently available on 2023 rounds. FIND OUT MORE


The ACT Event Fund has two categories:

  1. Community Event Funding offers support of up to $15,000 for new or existing community events and festivals that are activated in suburbs and town centres.
  2. The Major Event Fund supports regular anchor events and one-off events that generate significant, immediate and long-term economic, social, community and cultural benefits to the ACT with $15,000 to $30,000.

Applications for events held in 2024 is expected to open in late July 2023.FIND OUT MORE

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VisitVictoria’s Regional Events Fund provides funding to support regional visitation. 

Support is available across three streams.

  1. Regional Event Acquisition
    Funding of up to $1 million to support the attraction of one-off or ongoing major events.
  2. Event Growth and Development
    Funding of up to $500,000 to grow the economic impact of medium to large-scale events.
  3. Event Industry Support
    Funding of up to $50,000 to build capability and support the marketing and operations of events that attract intrastate or interstate visitors.

To apply for Stream 1, discuss your event with your Regional Tourist Board. After this, you will be invited to submit a proposal if your event meets the criteria for Stream 1.

VisitVictoria recommends you submit your application for Streams 2 & 3 at the earliest opportunity.FIND OUT MORE


Events Tasmania has several grant programs. Following are just a few, most relevant to event managers of regional events:

1. One-off Assistance grants aim to increase winter events in regional Tasmania, prompting an increase in visitor numbers and local community engagement through the non-peak tourist season. The program also seeks to increase the level of event expertise in regional Tasmania.

2. Championship grants are for sports competitions that bring more than 100 competitors and supporters to Tasmania, who stay in paid commercial accommodation for three nights or more, and are able to promote pre- and post-championship travel within the state as part of their event marketing.

3. The Events Tasmania Attraction Fund provides support to significant participatory events that return substantial economic benefits for the state. The program aims to help deliver a regionally balanced event portfolio for Tasmania, spread right through the year.

4. The Major Event Partnerships Program provides funding to significant events that return substantial economic outcomes for the state. 

You can contact Events Tasmania to discuss your event and they will talk you through the application process.FIND OUT MORE

Northern Territory

Northern Territory Major Events Company’s (NTMEC) Event Funding Program offers:

  • Community Festivals Funding to support festivals and events that make the Territory a more enjoyable place to live in, and reveal the Territory’s history and culture
  • Event Development Funding to improve the visitor experience at a new or existing event through new program elements or improvements
  • Marketing Funding to promote existing events to an interstate and/or international audience
  • Strategic Development Funding to work with an event development professional on a once-off project to review event plans and improve documentation

Next funding round will open early in 2023.FIND OUT MORE



South Australia

The South Australian Tourism Commission supports events through a number of grant programs for events.

The Regional Event Fund has four categories:

  1. Emerging Event ($5,000-$10,000)
  2. Developing Event ($10,000-$20,000)
  3. Established Event ($20,000-$50,000)
  4. Significant Event (from $50,000)

Funding for events before 30 August 2023 has been allocated.

Applications for Significant Event Funding are accepted year-round.

The Leisure Bid Fund is to secure, support or develop new major events for the state.

The Leisure Event Bid Fund supports events on a case-by-case basis. There is no open or close date for applications.

The Live Music Events Fund which supports music events and festivals is currently accepting expressions of interest for events taking place before 30 June 2023.FIND OUT MORE

Western Australia

1. Tourism WA‘s Regional Events Scheme is funding of between $5,000 and $40,000 for smaller, developing regional events across the state. It includes the Regional Aboriginal Events Scheme. 

The next round of applications will open in August 2023 for events held between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

2. The Regional Events Program supports medium to large regional events across the State with $40,000 and above for medium to large regional events. Event holders are to submit an event proposal that addresses the criteria at least 12 months prior to their event.

3. Funding proposals for Major Event Funding are assessed on a case-by-case basis however they must be submitted at least 12 months prior to the event.FIND OUT MORE


How to find other kinds of grants

If you are looking for grants for other purposes, such as to hire entertainers, or for equipment for your event, our Grant Oppportunites for Events toolkit includes a list of links to other grant programs such as federal, sports, and arts grants. 

In these times, there are a number of grants to support artists, performers and festivals through state arts organisations.

Remember to check for grants at:

Free grant tracker

Receive a free grants tracker (normally $49) by subscribing to the rEVENTS Academy newsletter. This tool helps you keep all of your current and future grant details in one place, make notes and keep track of where you are up to with delivering on grant funding obligations – never miss a grant deadline again! 

Our newsletter is written for regional event managers and includes blog articles, case studies on events that have solved common issues, grant opportunities, info on applying for tourism awards, and more. SUBSCRIBE HERE

Improve your success with grants

Help with applying for grants

Our event development consultancy, Tilma Group, can help you find and apply for grants.LEARN MORE

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We’d love to hear which grant/s have been of most value to your event and why, or your tips for successful grant writing – please leave a comment!