About ART
Who are we
Regional tourism is a vital sector of the Australian economy and key to the sustainability and vibrancy of many of our communities. Tourism Research Australia reports that nearly half of the nation’s tourism expenditure (46% or $107 billion) occurs in regional Australia. In addition, regional tourism directly employs over half a million people (534,000) in tourism related industries, which is more Australians than mining and more than forestry, agriculture and fishing combined.
Australian Regional Tourism Ltd (ART) was established to re-balance an increasing focus on tourism in urban capital cities. ART is the peak body that represents regional tourism practitioners and acts as a hub for collaboration, cooperation, ideas generation, knowledge sharing, networking and more. On behalf of its members, ART promotes sustainable regional development through regionally focused research, destination management planning, product development, marketing and the development of skilled human resources.
The ART Mission is to develop regional Australia through building competitive tourism
The core business of ART is to:
- Inspire and enable the development of product and experiences
- Create and transfer market intelligence and capacity
- Create and promote empowering policy and programs
Current priorities
ART has a set of priorities driving its current focus, these priorities are documented in the ART Strategic Plan. The ART Business Plan provides the detailed operational tactics to deliver the Strategic Plan.
Priority issues
ART has worked with its State and Territory-based Tourism organisation to identify a set of six priority issues facing regional tourism, that we will work on together. These are they are:
- Enabling infrastructure
- Provide strategic advice
- Reliable and useful tourism data
- Regional dispersal of growing international markets
- Skills shortages
- Product development
To view ART’s Bushfire Recovery Position Statement CLICK HERE
The ART Team
ART is a company limited by guarantee, governed by a Board of Directors who are responsible for the strategic performance of the business, operating compliance and tourism advocacy and lobbying. Directors include representatives from across Australia and from a range of industry sectors. Day to day management of ART is done by the Chief Executive Officer, reporting to the Board.
The ART Annual General Meeting is held each October, in conjunction with the Australian Regional Tourism Convention.