Skills & Workforce Shortages

The Australian regional tourism industry faces several challenges related to skills and workforce issues, including the following:

Skill gaps: Misalignment between the skills required by businesses and the local workforce

Seasonal demand: Seasonal fluctuations in visitor numbers, leading to seasonal demand for workers and challenges to maintain a stable workforce throughout the year

Retention issues: Difficulty in retaining skilled employees due to limited career progression opportunities, remote location challenges, and competitive wages

Training and development: Limited access to relevant training and professional development opportunities for employees in regional areas

Perception of career opportunities: Perceptions among regional residents that careers in tourism lack stability or are less desirable compared to other industries.

Ageing workforce: In some regions, insufficient younger workers are entering the industry

Infrastructure and connectivity: Limited transport infrastructure, internet connectivity, and access to affordable housing can impact the attractiveness of regional areas.

Migration: International migration system needs to cater for unique workforce requirements

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration to develop strategies that support skills development, improve workforce retention, and promote tourism careers as viable and rewarding options in regional Australia.