Australia, your EVENTS INDUSTRY is READY!!!!

If you are at all connected to the Event Industry and are not currently crying in a corner somewhere, you may be looking at the outside world and marvelling at their fastidious progress and numerous successes. These seemingly range from live music in a pub beer garden to last weekend’s 7 hour GLOBAL CITIZEN LIVE Music spectacular, which was attended by 60,000 people in New York City alone!!!

It’s a little mind boggling to think that the risks we are considering taking to revive our troubled industry are sooooooo 6 months ago in our opposing hemisphere.

When the pandemic first hit in early 2020, we studied global activity via every available media outlet and truth be told, some not so reliable. We could see the challenge coming and our isolation gave us the greatest chance to prepare as best we could. We were able to gauge how the Asia Pacific region would traverse this crisis because geographically, we were best placed to play the bridesmaid ……… and not the bride. The other side of the world did the heavy lifting first.

So, it makes perfect sense that the Northern hemisphere is now moving forward at what seems like lightning speed whilst we on the other side of the planet are licking our wounds and feeling at a complete loss about the path forward.

I worked in mainstream marketing for many years. That industry is renown for “polishing turds”, so to speak. Buzz words for every situation and selling points bordering on the absurd though hypothetically, if the Australian Event Industry was a product about to launch into the current market, agencies would be scrambling to pitch it. Sure it’s been tough. We are all proof that we’ve taken a licking though right now, the opportunities to re-emerge into our market and succeed are endless because the market on the other side of the world has done a lot of the hard work for us.

Their hard yards, successes and failures as they emerged from “pandemia” have created the finest MASTERCLASS available and their learnings are ours for the taking.

You may be reading this and thinking I am perhaps deluded about the task at hand though I have worked here and there and I’m telling you, we don’t need to re-invent the wheel here. Discussions abound in and around our collective endeavour to re-launch our events and the proposed related struggles, though let’s not make it harder than it needs to be. It’s safe to say that somewhere on earth, an event which is incredibly similar to yours has already taken the leap. They have taken the risks we diligently discuss and dealt with them accordingly and we can do the same.

Study up, reach out, relate, adapt and get busy.

Find a model you can relate or aspire to. Get in touch and empower them to share the love. If they are in region, we already know their hearts are big and they are passionate about their projects. Ask the tricky questions and apply your learnings to your own endeavour. Build your confidence via the knowledge highway and create some new alliances to shift your thinking. Trawl the web and research new event delivery methods, QR code benefits for greater data collection, or compliant methods which only improve your delivery, not hinder it. We are simply up-skilling and WE CAN DO THIS!!! An entire nation is absolutely gagging to attend the moments we create. In fact they have never been this ready. The product is proven. The results immense. The time is now.

About the author

Lyndel Moore is a proud A.R.E.A. member and Event Producer of 30+ years. 

She is eternally “glass half full”, incredibly passionate about her industry and swears far too often.