Snowy Valleys Event Activation Strategy – Request for Quote
Snowy Valleys Council are seeking a request for quote for the development of the Snowy Valleys Event Activation Strategy.
Snowy Valleys Council (SVC) is seeking quotes from suitably qualified and experienced
consultants for the development of the Snowy Valleys Event Activation Strategy. The strategy
will be developed to cover from 2021-2025 and will inform all types of events in the Snowy
Valleys region, while allowing council to understand the economic and social benefits and
opportunities that events bring to the region.BACKGROUND
Snowy Valleys Council is located in southern NSW. The LGA is home to more than 14,000
residents, spread across more than 8,960km2. SVC wishes to develop an Event Activation
Strategy to understand the many opportunities events can provide with a strong focus on the
economic and social benefits. SVC also wishes to evaluate current internal guidelines around
event support, processes and sponsorship and develop best practice methodologies. The
strategy must also be consistent with the Destination Marketing, Tourism and Economic
Development functions of SVC.The current SVC events calendar comprises of regionally significant tourism events through
to special interest, community and civic events that celebrate the unique attributes of the
Snowy Valleys region whilst creating a sense of fun, vibrancy and identity for residents and
visitors. Some events are Council led, others are managed by professional and experienced
private sector event coordinators and some are organised by local community organisations,
and passionate individuals, who contribute considerable voluntary hours to deliver events.SVC has an annual operation budget allocated to financial and in kind sponsorship for
community and major events. The region was also significantly impacted by the Black Summer
Bushfires and Council has received funding to develop and deliver new events to attract
visitation to the region. It is anticipated that these events will become part of the annual event
The works to be completed as part of the Event Activation Strategy include
1 – A 5 year Event Activation Strategy
To include-
- Analysis of present local, state and national impacting strategies
- Stakeholder identification and engagement (including a stakeholder
engagement plan for internal and external stakeholders) - Development of vision
- Assessment of local and regional opportunities and challenges
- Review and if necessary re-alignment of the existing Events Framework
- Identification of best practice delivery modes, outcomes and trends for
comparable events. This includes community, cultural and major events. - Socio-economic assessment of current local and regional events
- Identification of potential new event opportunities
- Regional events SWOT, including analysis of spread of events during
peak/low seasons. - Proposed economic modelling for events – best practice methodology
- Specific Information on major tourism and economic event drivers
2 – Implementation Plan
To include-
- Guidance on future council supports including event sponsorship and support
toolkit - Recommended implementation plan with high level cost estimates
3 – Communication Plan
Key deliverables are –
- Undertake a desk-top review of relevant strategies, plans, policies, data and
reports - Design and facilitate a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process
- Prepare a Draft Events Strategy based on findings of the desk top review and
stakeholder engagement - Prepare a Final Events Strategy based on feedback of a Draft Events Strategy
- Prepare an Implementation Plan for Event Activation Strategy
- Prepare a Communication Plan for Event Activation Strategy
All documents for review will be supplied to the successful consultant. Key plans and
strategies can be found on the Snowy Valleys Council website –
https://www.snowyvalleys.nsw.gov.au/Council/Strategies-and-PlansProposed timelines for the delivery of the strategy.
- Request for Quotation Period – Closing COB 17 May 2021
- Successful consultant appointed – 24 May 2021
- Draft Report Completed – by mid August 2021
- Final Report Completed – by October 2021
Proponents are required to indicate in their submission that they are able to adhere to these
Council requires applicants to hold public liability insurance to the value of $20 million as well
as have professional indemnity insurance. Certificate of Currency documents must be
included as part of the quotation.BUDGET
The budget allocated to this project is $20,000 (including GST).
Submission should address (as a minimum) the following:
- Individual or firm’s operating name, ABN and contact details
- Quotation for provision of above works (GST inclusive), including a breakdown of fees
against key deliverables - Confirmation of timeframe for project completion
- Evidence of experience in a similar projects
- Methodology
- Project Plan showing timing of key tasks
- Expertise of personnel engaged in the project including brief descriptions of key
personnel’s professional qualifications and experience in relevant projects - Referees who may be contacted for details of previous work
- Evidence of insurance
- An estimate of expenses necessary to complete the project, in addition to fees
(including travel and accommodation) - Schedule of rates for all personnel involved
- Evidence of any works completed in the Snowy Valleys or wider region
The criteria for assessment of quotations are:
a. Price (weighting 30 %)
- Fee
- Rates for variations
b. Non-price (weighting 70 %) made up of
- Demonstrated ability in completing similar projects
- Proposed Methodology Plan
- Ability to meet project timeframes
- Experience of personnel involved in the project
Submissions close 5.00pm 17th May 2021 and submissions must be FULLY received by this
time. The Council is not bound to accept the lowest priced submission or all or any part of a
submission and reserves the right to conduct the submission process and select the successful
respondent(s) as it sees fit. Proposals are to be submitted via email to
kbradley@svc.nsw.gov.auCONTACT DETAILS
All enquiries are to be directed to SVC Coordinator Place Activation, Kylie Bradley –
kbradley@svc.nsw.gov.au or 0429065249
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