Regional Towns resurgence

Across the world, we have seen the movement away from large cities and back to regional cities and towns.

Increases in housing costs, during times of challenging income for many, especially in the tourism and hospitality industries, coupled with the easier construction opportunities in regional areas.

Changes in how we do work were discovered, during various periods of lockdown, that many could work from home in safety, both for themselves and for their families.

Fear on loved ones that were not close by, to be checked on or able to be supported in times of poor communication by leaders on the pandemic situation for themselves.

When all these and more challenges occur, its the Family Tribe initially that supports us. That does not judge (mostly), that you can rely on for objective advice and support. These bonds that can give you the foundations to get your self back on track and you can plan your future.

And the local community gets that benefit. Be it just short term as visitors stay away from large crowds in the city and are more comfortable in regional areas. Families coming together finally in a safe and more “normal” way, or just looking for different opportunities as new directions are planned and created.

The power of strong Community Tribes and reliable Family Tribes will help to heal countries faster, as we trust and support each other.

Tapping into these concepts, will help business and organisations to create a ne future, that for some will be different, especially in the short term. Vaccines will help in the longer term, but survival in the short and medium term is so important.

Tony Park

Tony is a International Best Selling Author on Business Tribes and has developed over $ 40 million of Tourism businesses over the past 45 years, helped organisations all over the world and is based in Tasmania.