The Real Experience

My last post was more practical full of facts, so I thought I would change it up and include the lighter side of what an LGA can offer and how a regional areas offer something unique and genuine.

Over the past few months and as the tourist traffic slowly increases, I have noticed a shift in tourist questions a focus into the real experiences to be had in Narrandera. Questions like; where do locals’ fish or camp? Where do locals get a drink or go to out for tea? The search is on in regional towns for the secret local spots!

These tourists/travelers/visitors are known as “A Local Tourist” “someone who wants to go beyond the tourist traps…but knows that there are reasons those attractions are so popular. A Local Tourist wants to eat and drink local, shop at local boutiques, listen to local bands, view local art.” (, 2020) This is becoming a fast trend!

Regional towns are so unique that they all do offer some hidden gems, the key to exclusive experiences in that town, region or Shire. Locals are the key to this knowledge; they can share some tips with travelers in a personal and genuine way.

I love knowing something others don’t and when I travel to regional destinations that I know, having those little places in my back pocket to share with friends and family really brings that connection and meaning to a destination. Imagine everyone leaving somewhere with that thought, that special feeling, that wonderful connection and that regional destination gaining that return traveler!

Local Government areas are able to ensure areas of interest to travelers are sign posted and well kept, offering support and possible labour committed to maintaining the upkeep and beautification of the areas. These areas include parks, picnic areas, art sites, lookouts, natural reserves etc.

LGA’s also play a role in assisting tourism operators and businesses to emerge, improve or continue to grow in their area this can be achieved through policy and strategy creation, grant funding and working with the community to establish what the needs and wants of visitors are and working together to provide outcomes to meet these needs.

Local Government Areas can use these real local experiences to market to niche markets for example trail bike routes to riders or unique water areas to water skiers etc. explains what a local experience is and what it provides you; “A Local Experience provides you …… with an opportunity to discover the world outside of your hotel. It provides a local twist to a favourite attraction at your destination or gives you access to an activity you wouldn’t normally be able to do.”

These local experiences make tourists and visitors feel like they get genuine insight into an area – this feeling allows an LGA to capture the opportunity to make a real emotional connection and sustain a relationship into the future with a tourist.

So remember locals it is ok to share some of your secrets with visitors! Regional Australia is the choice holiday destination especially within the next year, its time to give visitors our backyard to play in and enjoy!